Senior citizens check bags more frequently than younger travelers. A new study has ranked many airlines based on their complaints for mishandled or lost bags.
According to a study by, Delta and Spirit are the best for handling your checked bags. At the bottom is Envoy Air.
I agree with travel expert Peter Greenberg that there are two kinds of bags on airplanes: carry-on and lost. If you travel across country and make a connection somewhere, odds say one of your fellow passengers will have a baggage issue. 3 out of 1,000 passengers will have a checked bag issue. To be fair, airlines are doing a much better job than just a decade ago.
I rarely check a bag. I’ve traveled on two week trips to five countries with different climates and still didn’t have to check my bags.
My wife finds it impossible and based on what I see in her big luggage, it probably is for her.
For me, I’ll just put all my belongings in the overhead or in front of my feet.